Friday 20 September 2013


As we all know about the device named as computer. Today in each and every field the computer and uses this device.The simple definition of computer is that it is a machine that takes the input and gives a output and hence makes the human work easier.
But from the history what is in this device that it is such a powerful machine such a powerful not even a single industry is without computer.
The main component in this device is Microprocessor which is a small chip that makes the heavy processing much easier.

Lets proceed to the main topic how this microprocessor works means what is inside this device so that this device is much powerful lets move inside it so deeply that we compare this device formation to the matter smallest component that is electron,proton,and neutron.
The work of microprocessor is to take input digital data and  processed it according to instructions and stored in memory and results as output.
As we know the first generation of computer is based on vacuum tubes and magnetic drums in which vacuum tubes is used for circuitry and magnetic drums is used for memory so let us first examine that how the vacuum tubes circuitory works and in such a manner and how the vacuum tubes perform operations related to circuit.


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