Saturday, 31 August 2013

Programming Language Developer

Language                                                            Developer

C                                                                         Dennis Ritchie
C++                                                                     Bjarne Stroustrup
C#                                                                       Microsoft
Java                                                                    James Gosling

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on rails is a web application framework which is run by the ruby language Ruby on Rails emphasizes the use of well-known software engineering patterns and principles, such as active record patternconvention over configuration (CoC)don't repeat yourself (DRY), and model–view–controller (MVC). 


MVC stands for Model View Controller it has two main objectives
The first objective is related to the promote code re usability AND
The second objective is to used to implement separation of concern
MVC pattern is widely used in program development with programming languages such as Java, Smalltalk, C, and C++.

.NET Using C# Technology

.Net is a software framework that is developed by the Microsoft in which we can implement three technology to make two kind of applications mainly the web applications and desktop applications
2-Visual Basic
there are something like 45,000 different methods/member functions and properties in the libraries/assemblies.

What is constructor in java?

Constructor can be defined as the methods but it is quite different from the method. These points can be justify that constructor are different from methods
-Constuctor can be of the same name as class.