Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Window Sliding Protocol

KeyPoints releated to the Window Sliding Protocol

-Piggybacking (security), when an authorized person allows (intentionally or unintentionally) others to pass through a secure door.

-Piggybacking, a practice in which a person with bad credit uses the seasoned trade line of credit of someone else.

-Piggybacking (data transmission), a bi-directional data transmission technique in network layer, sending data along with ACK called Piggybacking

-One bit sliding window protocol is also called Stop-And-Wait protocol. In this protocol, the sender sends out one frame, waits for acknowledgment before sending next frame

-The transport layer provides convenient services such as connection-oriented data stream support, reliability, flow control, and multiplexing..

-An acknowledgement (ACK) is a packet sent by one host in response to a packet it has received.

-A timeout is a signal that an ACK to a packet that was sent has not yet been received within a specified timeframe

-Propagation delay is defined as the delay between transmission and receipt of packets between hosts

-First role is to enable reliable delivery of packets

-Second role is to enable in order delivery of packets

-Third role is to enable flow control

-a pipeline is a set of data processing elements connected in series, so that the output of one element is the input of the next one

Monday, 3 December 2012

What is the difference between Compiler,Assembler and Interpreter


Assembly languages are more easily translated in to machine code than high-level programs languages. Each assembly language statement directly corresponds to one or more machine instructions. Another way to think about this is that assembly language code is simply an abbreviated form of machine code. Thus, to transform a program from an assembly language to machine code all that must be done is that the instructions must be converted from their mnemonic abbreviations into their equivalent string of ones and zeroes. This transformation process is known as assembling and is accomplished by an assembler.


A compiler is a computer program that converts an entire program written in a high-level language (called source code) and translates it into an executable form (called object code).


An interpreter is a computer program that takes source code and converts each line in succession. At each step it executes the high-level statement. In other words, it doesn't have to examine the entire program before it can begin executing code. Thus, programs that are interpreted lend themselve to interactive programming. However, programs that are interpreted will generally run much slower than programs that are compiled. 


Peer to peer file sharing is a technique which provide users to download movies,files,and games using a peer to peer softwares.The most common used peer to peer softwares are bit torrent.The "peers" are computer systems connected to each other through the Internet.This is the most widely used technique that used in the downloading of large files from the internet.
 while as we know as if we see the other side of the coins this technology have some disadvantage like the malicious or unwanted software is downloaded by these files which creates problems in the system.